Tuesday, 28 January 2014

Spooks again (yawn!)

Seems like we're stuck with ever increasing incursion into our private lives and activities by spy agencies...  platitudinous statements by western leaders about intent to curb such snooping, notwithstanding.

I think the technological genie has long escaped the bottle... and the CIA/ASIO type organizations will go ahead with doing whatever they bloody-well like despite bleatings to the contrary by the passing parade of so-called 'political leadership'. Why? Because they CAN!... not because it is required to save us from terrorist or any other types of threats.

How many threats have their clandestine snoopings actually exposed? It's secret! That could well mean the answer is NIL, Nought, Zilch! "Trust US" is the only answer you're ever likely to get in this stupid world occupied by humans entranced by SECRECY.

Well, I for one wouldn't trust any of the spook agencies as far as I could throw 'em under-arm!

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