Saturday, 7 December 2013

On the internet, they know who you are!

Back in 1993, a freelance cartoonist scribbled a dog operating a computer with the caption "On the internet, nobody knows you're a dog." He sent it off to the New Yorker magazine on spec. It was published and quickly became a slogan for the then rapidly developing internet. It also proved to be one of the all-time most popular cartoons published by the mag. and, shared licensing fees paid for reuse of the cartoon and/or slogan in other publications over the past 20 years, is estimated to be +/- $500,000 shared 50/50 by the author and publishers!

Of course ... on today's internet, virtually everything posted can be traced back to the originator by anyone equipped with readily available tracking technology. Hence, today's cartoon lolly-pop.

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