Sunday, 15 September 2013

Wanted ... the odd miracle.

I notice Camshaft Newbroom is appealing to his newly elected federal counterpart for financial assistance to help re-start stalled investment in exploitation of Galilee Basin coal reserves. COAL? And, there was I thinking the world had turned against coal as being yesterday's filthy pollution generating fuel.

Ah well, I suppose Tory minds are still coping with changes wrought by the 19th century industrial revolution ... so, no real surprise there. I understand Gina has a stake in the Galilee Basin area, so labour costs at $29 an hour shouldn't need too much federal assistance. Still, if miracles are the requirement, Tory Tony should be well fitted for the task if he already has the magical answer to covering his questionable election promises costings.

Otherwise ... the political caravan seems to be on holidays after last week's block-buster production(?)

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