Sunday, 8 September 2013

Glad that's over!

Glad to say I avoided the wall to wall election coverage last night. I put TV1 on for my better half (who likes the Law and Order genre of shows whether new or repeats). I mucked about with computer oriented house-keeping.

The outcome was pretty well prescribed in advance, although it appears the pundits mis-read the depth of the swings against the government. Why do they get so much air-time on the various media forms? Probably because the whole political arena is now treated and played out like a sporting event (or game of chance) which might amuse a large audience who, sadly, may have nothing better to occupy their attention(?)

Whatever, let's hope there can now be 3 years of earnest and productive work by politicians of all persuasions instead of the destructive narcissism so predominant in the recent past.

Not holding my breath tho'!

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