Tuesday, 4 November 2014

Archival 'Cup' reference

I'm not much into the 'GGs' ... so, haven't bothered to do anything special to note today's famous race at Flemington.

However, something I did circa1988 to illustrate a mag. piece about the impact of the great event on productivity in work-places unable to enjoy the Melbourne public holiday... remains readily fresh in mind. Not because of the race itself, but rather the job involved scribbling a 'rough' in response to a telephoned request for the illo at short notice. The accompanying pic is the original 'rough' drawn immediately using a standard 'sharpie' bullet-tipped marker... without much prior thought...  pencilled guide-lines or any correction fluid. The only colour was applied directly to the jockey's figure to emphasise the usual blandness of computer work-rooms.

So what? Well, it was delivered to the publisher by hand and processed for print exactly as it was first
conceived. The rarity of such an occurrence is what made it memorable as a lesson for cartoonists that often the first 'go' at a project produces the freshest and best version you're going to achieve in the long run.

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