Wednesday, 22 October 2014

The 'Meth' epidemic?

Over recent days around Australia, 'toonies have been drawing attention to an apparent upsurge in usage of the 'social' drug Crystal Meth (aka 'Ice') within their respective bailiwicks. My cartoon archive reveals that I commented on much the same problem way back in September last year. Though it may risk tagging Melbourne as the leading illicit drug-usage capital of the country, last year's 'toon fits nicely into current concern over the same problem Australia-wide(?)

And, 'it's an ill wind that blows nobody any good'...  as they say. I woke up this morning feeling very 'seedy'. Not in the least fit to ponder fresh cartoon fodder for the daily blog... let alone arch myself uncomfortably over a blank piece of paper on the drawing board. Though it may contain a wry suggestion of 'one-upsmanship', here's a rerun of last year's ice comment which many may not have seen  on its first 'airing'... or forgotten it during the interim ?

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