Wednesday, 29 October 2014

The Great Soaring Tax grab?

Desperate men will often do desperate things when painted into a corner. The base rate of 10% has IMO amazingly remained true to the original pledges of 'never, ever any increase' for almost 15 years in the face of notorious treatment of solemn pledges by politicians generally in this country. Of course, before its introduction in 2000, there were plenty of political worthies proclaiming they would never, ever, preside over its introduction in the first place!

Since it was not deemed necessary by either side of national politics to fiddle with the GST during the alarm and tribulation associated with the 'Global Financial Crisis'... why is an increased rate justified in today's fiscal climate which seems to be reasonably calm apart from the 'smoke and mirrors' forecasting of diabolical troubles ahead associated with the last federal election? 

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