Sunday, 12 October 2014


No real surprise! Now getting the impression George has no idea what the internet is about... or how it works.

If that's anywhere near the truth...STOP what you're doing and hand security control planning over to someone who DOES know their way around the web!

BTW... what is bloody metadata again?!


  1. The meaning of "metadata" depends somewhat on the circumstances. For example, when you take a photo with your digital camera, an image file is created. That file contains all the data required to render than image on a screen, but it also includes other date ("metadata") such as when the photo was taken, and perhaps on what device it was taken, where it was taken etc.

    When you visit a website in your browser, the web site notes things like your IP address, the time of day and the type of computer you are using. Your internet service provider also keeps records of your internet activity, like what sites you visited and when, what computer you were using etc. Normally they dump this useless info after a short while, but Big Brother ... no, sorry, the Government wants them to store this information for a lot longer, and to be able to get access to it when they want to.

    1. Tks Ralph. I already had a vague idea but was properly informed by Iinet's disclosure that none of the ISPs have been told by the gov't WHO PAYS for the added security being legislated by them. They also gave the world a dot-point summary of what 'metadata' is supposed to encompass. On another IT site journos have described the gov'ts idea of metadata as 'BS script'. My point in the 'toon was that I don't think Brandis has any idea what it's all about.
