Monday, 27 October 2014

Dog's breakfast?

Yet another reverse somersault by our esteemed leader?

P.M. Abbott gave a memorial oration at historic Tenterfield over the week-end, the main thrust of which was to overthrow his previously published ideas of reforming the Australian federation. It seems that although he considers the current Fed-state interface remains a  'Dog's Breakfast', it would be too hard to readily untangle present arrangements. Sooo... he seems to be now saying it might be easier to simply make states responsible for anything they think is appropriate and,  can either finance with extant revenues, or are willing to create new surces of taxation to cover (?) Presumably, everything else would become a Canberra central government bailiwick?

Of course, to the casual observer, that would work fine... wouldn't it?

Errr... BTW, it would effectively end any need for this federation nonsense as well??

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