Almost unbelievable ... but, that's the Tory way, so get used to it! When sprung on the size of Queensland MP pay increases, the deputy Premier floundered around like a wounded duck trying to tell the media and bemused constituents that 'he had no idea the increases were so large'.
Oh yair ... what is your exact role in the government stupido?!
Because the media thong didn't seem to accept the veracity of that statement ... he then claimed 'it's all the result of the mess left by Labor'! This, from the new-broom government which vowed it would go through the accounts with a fine-tooth comb to distil cost savings and, if necessary, cut services to the bone, to pay for the huge debts inherited when they came to office! Well, they were as good as their word on the slash and burn aspect of cutting services ... but, how come they missed the impact of obscene and unjustifiable pay increases slated for themselves and the rest of the layabouts in parliament house???! Surprise! surprise!
Now, the cat is out of the bag ... 'we are so, so, sorry ... and, we promise to get parliament to re-examine the efficacy of the new pay scheme as soon as possible. (Oh, BTW ... it's too late to stop us receiving the first instalment.)
My question. What would you have said or done, had someone not 'blown the whistle' to put this monsterous rort into the public domain?!
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