Tuesday, 13 October 2015

Rafty 'roughs'

These sketchy fore-runners to finished art usually end their days in the waste basket. I was on the cusp of doing just that to these scribbles when I thought... 'hold on, these things often reflect changes in ideas as well as the actual drawing style and lay-out.'

Of course, these are related to the 'Vale Tony Rafty' piece I posted a couple of days ago.

I've been aware of Tony's stature in the cartooning (especially caricature) field for more than half a century... but, had never enjoyed the opportunity to meet him or, indeed, see many photographic images of the bloke. Sooo from an image point of view... my only immediate recourse was T.R's FB page after the sad news of his passing became known. Not a lot there for aged eyes to absorb but 'next to nothing' in the research department is a regular bane of all caricaturist's... as I'm sure Tony himself would've attested often during his long sojourn in the game. Next, the context of the tribute. I quickly lit on the fact that the man's long, long journey toward his own 'century' had fallen tragically short  by only 2 days! Hence the 'mountain climb theme in both sketches. The first 'HB' scribble quickly failed muster because the great man had spent the latter part of his life in a wheel-chair. The '6B' effort sorta met my criteria insofar as recognizable features and staging were concerned... but, in the 'finished' piece I believe I once again stumbled at the last hurdle by being a tad too smart in obviating back-ground drawing with a simple speech balloon... whilst also falling into the trap of 'titivation' (over-drawing) of the subject so that any liveliness present in the 'roughs' is largely lost altogether.

HO-hum! We never learn.

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