Wednesday, 11 December 2013


I have long been diagnosed as having three 'fused' vertebra at the base of my spine. Provided I maintain a reasonable level of exercise, this probable legacy of a mis-spent youth playing games like football causes me no bother whatsoever. However, now and again some simple (but unusual) sudden movement can tweak the area of the injury causing inflammation which is quite painful and, tends to severely restrict normal movement such as walking (which is an essential component in keeping the injury under control).

After an unrestricted and enjoyable 45 min. morning walk on Monday, I accidentally 'tweaked' my back about mid-afternoon. Until recommended tablets took effect to curb the inflammatory generated pain, I was virtually immobilised. Monday night was almost sleepless, but by the middle of yesterday I was able to move about again (gingerly). Funnily (for observers), ability to 'walk out' this complaint produces a bent-over gait very reminiscent of Groucho Marx at the height of his fame in hilarious Marx brothers' comedy films of the 1940s. I did a 40 min. walk in that manner this morning, starting at around 8am. I just know school kids and other walkers who were about at the time are probably still laughing at my expense.

In retrospect, I wish I'd thought of wearing a Groucho mask!

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