Saturday, 30 March 2013

The wood pile

Walking before sun-rise this morning, I noticed a large heap of wood on a nature strip in a local street. On closer examination, it turned-out to be six sections of  what recently must've been a very substantial eucalyptus tree. It wasn't there yesterday ... so, the what, when, why and, by whom questions immediately started circling my head.

With the imminent on-set of winter each year, small piles of neatly sawn fire-wood from trimmed small/medium sized trees and shrubs begin appearing on nature strips throughout our neighbourhood. Many of the older houses in the settlement are fitted with wood-fired heating, so there are always people on the hunt for waste wood to reduce the cost of the old-fashioned fuel. But, the wood I'm writing about was not small/medium by any stretch of the imagination. In fact, it obviously came from quite a huge old tree ... but, clearly not  one previously standing in the immediate area in which it now lay in pieces. If it was in the rear of the nearest house ... how did it get to the front nature strip? No sign of any heavy-lifting equipment on the grass verge or surrounding pavement (still quite damp from a recent 12 hour down-pour of rain). And, each of the tree-sections look far too heavy to have been man-handled by any squad short of a football team. Apart from how it got there ... who is expected to be equipped to remove it from the nature strip as a 'freebie' or commercially? The intrigue deepens with every thought generated by this strange happening.

BTW, the sign depicted in the accompanying 'toon is poetic licence on my part. You never know ... the person (or multitude?) responsible for positioning the wood-pile on the nature strip may possess a sense of optimism commensurate with the size of their physical strength?

And, yes ... the old saying involving a person of colour resident within a stack of wood did occur to me, but I am too PC aware to use it in a cartoon ... aren't I?

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