Wednesday, 13 March 2013

It's a bird! It's Superman, no, it's ...

Practically every morning as I take my constitutional around the wilds of Keilor, I'm walking adjacent to the glide-path for the southern end of Tullamarine runway 16-34.
The hour between 0700 and 0800 daily seems to be extremely busy for international arrivals, judging by the number of 'heavies' passing almost directly overhead. Boeing 777s and Airbus A380s were only little more advanced than figments of someone's imagination when I last saddled-up for duty with the 'big white Rat' in December 1989 ... but the venerable B.747 was already 18 years into its service life with QF (starting with the .200 version) by then and, .400s are still going strong today.
I'm impressed by the A380 double-decker behemoth because of its remarkably serene and quiet demeanour in flight. This morning I witnessed two of them on 'final approach' to Tulla within less than 10 minutes of each other ... almost soundless compared with other long-haul arrivals. Hardly more than a whisper from the four 'donks' as each appeared to be wafting into their respective landings.
Perhaps they're not really metal monsters at all?

1 comment:

  1. An author's admission. This blog entry and illo would've been posted on Feb,17th. but for the temporary(?) loss of my original blog site. No worries ... all of the ingredients were in place again today.
