Friday, 22 March 2013

Hard Labor!

Today's cartoon is about the aftermath of yesterday's Canberra 'coup' (as the more glib media headline writers are describing the actual Canberra 'non-event').

Based on a famous Dickens' quote at the end of  A tale of two cities, I originally had Messrs Crean and Bowen being carried off in a tumbrel to their political demise. Just as I was about to post it, up pops Mr. Ferguson 'doing the right thing'. Ok, I thought... the cart isn't that big, but maybe I can fit in one more without having to redraw the whole thing?

Right! Still sketching Ferguson, when Kim Carr appears in the hari-kari hot-seat! I'm suddenly thinking ... what if every Rudd supporter decides to jump off the cliff? I'll need to draw a double-decker bus to sustain this idea!

Sooo ... my wife and I decided to go off to do our weekly grocery shopping to allow all of the potential 'jumpers' to reveal themselves before I wasted any more time on the cartoon. That's my excuse for this late post ... take it or leave it.

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