Saturday, 18 April 2015

Saturday Strips

On April 2nd., I published two Nutshells strips which I thought at the time were the only ones I had drawn in 1988 before learning that the title was already in use elsewhere. Whilst restoring date order of other haphazardly filed old strips for airing here, I came across a number of additional unpublished strips under the title Nutshells... some of which were apparently drawn in 1987 in anticipation of it being more than a 'flash in the pan' affair.

Whatever, here are 3 more 1988 pieces you might find interesting. As mentioned  earlier, this was still the era of B&W for most cartoon artwork so I intended to publish them as they would've been seen back then. However, I've been moved to add spot colour and clearer text to the computer screens in the first example, because the original was cut and paste dot-matrix text which probably would have reproduced adequately on a rotary press plate... but almost disappeared in the scanning process for this outing. To lend a spot of colour to the others I have used pink to emphasize the expletive outburst in strip two and yellow to high-light the subject dealt with in the third.

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