Tuesday, 21 April 2015

Day of Coincidents?

This morning I went to the local Chemist to get a prescription renewal. Having a quantity of coins in my pocket, I was able to cover the $6.10 'script fee without breaking a note. That left two 50 cent coins in my pocket which turned out to be both 1994 minted jobbies in circulation for over 20 years. What are the odds on that happening? If you think that lacks a 'WOW' factor...

This morning, I also noticed a breaking news story that the OZ dollar had fallen 2 US cents in value in overnight trading. That reminded me of a 'Pacific Peso' cartoon I had included in my blog (I thought) a couple of years ago. Since the currency seems to be heading rapidly back to that status, I went into my archives to trace the earlier reference. Believe it or not, the subject cartoon was actually created and published on the web in 2011... on April 21st!

Now, that does deserve a WOW! in my book, I've re-sized the piece from 8 x 8 to 20 x 20 cms and given it another run today.

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