Friday, 21 February 2014

Sick of politics?

There's nothing new under the sun. The stunt inquiry into the wellness or otherwise of Australia's public health system is virtually the same as the Jamison Commission of Inquiry of 1981,when the then Minister for Health (Michael McKeller greeted the findings with this motherhood statement- "The fundamental goal of this Government (coalition as it happens) in the health area is to ensure that all Australians have proper access to health care services of high quality at a cost the individual and the community can afford."

So. what happened during the interim? In short... the 'goal' has never been reached by either successive coalition or Labor regimes, due to a combination of grandstanding and sabotage by both sides aimed at serving only their own political aspirations.

And here, +/- 33 years later, I have little doubt that the oncoming Abbott inquiry will be as 'efficacious' for Australians as all the rest of the costly circus performances we've had to suffer since 1981!

A scan of a cartoon I had published in May 1981 is included as evidence of how easy it is to re-cycle your own ideas in response to politician's antics over the ages.  BTW ... note the little squirt wielding a razor.


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