Saturday, 1 February 2014

All at Sea?!

What a tangled web we weave, when first we practice to deceive". A homily planted on me by my Mum, when I was but a callow youth. Apparently our Immigration Minister, Mr. Morrison, was not similarly blessed in his formative years(?)

Despite the 'grilling' by opposition senators yesterday, Mr. Morrison exuded an aura of deception... even if he was not deliberately trying to deceive. In isolation. a fairly simple, straight-forward question like "Did you read such and such a document before declaring it secret?" should have drawn an unambiguous "Yes or No"...without placing national security in the slightest jeopardy. But, no such response was forth-coming (judging from what was played back on TV at any rate). And, as that question seemed to become the 'hot potato' in the entire Q & A session ... what is driving Mr. Morrison's demeanour? Has attempted subterfuge addled his memory to the extent that he no longer recognizes what's potentially dangerous from harmless media fodder?

He may think that he is serving me and other constituents well by treating us like mushrooms, presumably too frail of mind or temperament to be exposed to the truth? Wrong buster! You and your ilk need to realize that all Australian's are not to be measured by your own fears and cupboard skeletons. Abandon the obsessive secrecy... or get set for the shortest possible term in your current exalted position,

You could do worse than commit the above adage to memory.

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