Wednesday, 21 June 2017

Citizen speak?

How lucky are those of us who were born in Australia? We never had to go through the largely ridiculous mine-field of Q & A being put together by those doyens of language, values, sporting stats,  and gawd knows what else masquerading as a federal government in Canberra at the moment. I imagine most of us 'natives' would fail the test now being prepared for hopeful immigrants seeking citizenship in Australia. We'd probably fail the present test for that matter(?)

The preferred level of English required of future applicants is said to be 'level 6 university'... whatever that is. My only recent exposure to 'university' standard language has been viewing a variety of professors being interviewed as expert spokes-persons on ABCTV news programs seeking input on matters of education and its role in the social sciences. I've been appalled by the number of them who start virtually every sentence with the word 'SO' and pepper their statements with other now hackneyed business world expressions such as 'around' instead of about; 'reaching out' instead of seeking; 'going forward' instead of ahead or future; and lately the ancient Roman 'cohort' in lieu of group or crowd! Is this the 'university standard' rubbish prospective Australians need to learn in order to fit in with the new order of things?

Well, at 82 y-o-a I don't propose using that version of English any time soon, so why should new-comers be compelled to?

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