Monday, 19 May 2014


For a number of reasons this time of year has proven particularly hard for me to maintain an optimistic view of anything... be it weather, life matters, outlook or well-being. I almost hit rock-bottom in 2010 when the general malaise coagulated into a bout of depression which presented physically as an inability to clamber unaided from an adjustable family room chair. I lost a lot of weight and body tone before our local GP finally 'yanked' me out of the chair to set me on the road to recovery with a dose of pain killers, a schedule of rehabilitation exercise and, not a few well-placed caustic words of advice.

Good onya Jeff.

I've been able to successfully overcome Autumn/Winter blues ever since... but, the ingredients are still about. I awoke early this morning to leaden skies, a strongish cold wind in the mix with the troublesome political atmosphere of fear and uncertainty gurgling around among ongoing family stresses.

Hence the darkish nature of today's 'toon. As I write tho', the sun is out in a reasonably clear sky for mid to late May... and I enjoyed a brisk 45 min. walk before posting this.

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