GOT (for Good Old Talk) located in Brisbane. I had been a member for a year or so before the site owner suggested I might like to author a Blog based on daily cartoon posts. Always up for a challenge, I agreed and the blog commenced on January 01 2011. The hot topic of commentary at the time was a monster flood event affecting Queensland as the aftermath of a horrendous storm which occurred during late December 2010. A whiff of Deja vu considering the storm related flood trauma now being suffered by Queensland and N.S.W. in the wake of cyclone Debbie?
In the event, my cartoons for Jan.1st and 2nd tried to inject an element of humour into the general atmosphere of horror, loss and frustration being experienced by thousands of people in the affected areas. I should also repeat advice that the space reserved for blog illustrations was limited to 8 x 8cms... so the following illos have not been reduced for this post...
Was the bird reformed as ordered? Evidently not!