Saturday, 26 March 2016

Taking the crossness out of religion?

This first appeared in a blog of mine back on the 11th of January 2012. It was part of a response to a christian spokesperson lamenting the almost year-round hi-jacking of the cross symbol by supermarkets on their Hot X buns.

Note the complaint was made in January not Easter.

Tuesday, 22 March 2016

Double or Quits?

It has been several months since I last posted an original cartoon ,,, and certainly I have not drawn a line for reproduction cartoon-wise since my wife's accident on January 18th.

My lady is still in rehab mode, but is now able to walk reasonably freely with the support of a 4 wheeled 'walker'. She is also gradually resuming some of the lighter house-hold chores.

Sooo...who knows? Maybe I'll find time to scribble a little on current affairs from time to time?  

Sunday, 20 March 2016

Sunday, 13 March 2016

Sunday Strips

The last strip published in 2004. But wait... there's more!

It went on for a while in 2005...

Monday, 7 March 2016